Dr. André Frank Zimpel

Professor / Förderschwerpunkte geistige Entwicklung und Autismus Universität Hamburg
André Frank Zimpel © privat
André Frank Zimpel © privat

Dr. André Frank Zimpel 

Born in 1960 in Magdeburg; married; two children; Studied mathematics, painting and graphics, special education, psychology and neurology in Magdeburg, Leipzig and Berlin;

1985 doctorate in psychology;

1991-1992 visiting professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt (Main),

1993 lecturer in rehabilitation psychology at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg;

1993 habilitation and venia legendi for special education and diagnostics at the University of Bremen;

since 1994 professor at the University of Hamburg.

2004-2005 substitute professorship “Education for the Mentally Handicapped and Severely Handicapped” at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel S

Since 2008, management of a study to improve the learning success of people with trisomy 21 (financially supported by the HERMANN REEMTSMA STIFTUNG)


Greetings From Mars

Children’s film / Sarah Winkenstette / Germany / 2024 / 90 min / German / FSK 6 / recommended from 8 years-old