Geschichten aus unserer Welt

Films Kids & Family
Stories from our world: Glenn, the Great Nature Lover


Stories from our world 

Short animated films / 2024 / 40 min / from 8 onwards

Fresh perspectives, discovery tours and unexpected consequences.

A trip to the moon, an enthusiastic birdwatcher and a surprising birds-eye--view on our world – all of this plays a central role in three of the animated short films. Exploration and new experiences enrich our lives. But can we really deal with change and surprising experiences? It is not easy for a crane to find a suitable landing site amidst all the pollution. And Edgar is only slowly realizing that saving a calf can lead to consequences…


El Ombligo de la Luna / Sara Antonio, Julia Grupińska, Bokang Koatja, Ezequiel Garibay Cires, Tian Westraad / 7:40 min

Glenn, the Great Nature Lover / Anna Erlandsson / 4:30 min

To Bird or not to Bird / Martín Romero / 9 min

Exode / Louis Lion, Yohan Deresme, Thilbaut Janssens, Max Doebeli, Parichay Sidana, Nasia Chan / 3:32 min

Au 8ème Jour / Agathe Sénéchal, Alicia Massez, Élise Debruyne, Flavie Carin, Théo Duhautois / 8:09 min

My Name is Edgar and I have a cow / Filip Diviak / 8 min