Documentary / Fredrik Gertten / Sweden / 2023 / 93 min / OmdU / Opening Film
All societies are based on the idea of a social contract. A set of unwritten rules that dictate that we work hard, treat others with respect and obey the law for the good of all. But not everyone follows the norms. Fraudsters hide their money in tax havens, while others profit from the community without giving anything back. Inequality is growing, eroding social cohesion in a world haunted by crisis. With world-renowned Dutch historian Rutger Bregman (author of the bestseller ‘Humankind: A Hopeful History’) as his sympathetic expert witness, Swedish documentarian Fredrik Gertten (‘Push’, ‘Bikes vs. Cars’) explores when and how positive change can occur despite kleptocracy and corruption. Bregman’s thunderous speech to the world’s richest at the Davos summit went viral in 2019, and his genuine faith in the common good is deeply inspiring in a film that calls for radical change if our societies – locally and globally – are to endure in an uncertain future.
Can we afford the rich? A filmmaker's look at rising inequalities, global patterns of modern kleptocracy and extractivism, and crumbling blocks of our societies along the way.
Fredrik Gertten, Director & Producer, Moderation: Margje de Koning, Artistic director, Movies that Matter
The film talk will be in English