Dr. Wolf-Rüdiger Große (born 1947) is a biologist, private lecturer and retired university lecturer at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg at the Central Magazine of Natural Science Collections. His teaching activities at the university and his voluntary commitment to nature conservation and environmental protection still motivate his students and fellow campaigners to preserve nature. As a passionate terrarian and field herpetologist, he has been involved with native amphibians and reptiles since his earliest youth. Since 1969 he published over 400 contributions in the form of books, scientific and popular scientific contributions in magazines.
Wolf-Rüdiger Große is a member of the German Society for Herpetology and Terrarial Science, on the board of the AG Urodela and chairman of the state committee for field herpetology and ichthyo faunistics in the state association NABU Saxony and a member of the Red List Panel Germany.