Raphaël Hitier

Director, Author
Raphaël Hitier
Raphaël Hitier

After completing a biology thesis on the memory of flies, I turned to science journalism. As a presenter, columnist, editor-in-chief and field reporter, I have worked in a variety of audiovisual professions, always with one foot in popularization. More recently, I have become the author and director of scientific documentaries mainly broadcast on the Arte channel: Tardigrade : un animal indestructible (2024), Les aventuriers de l'ARN messager (2023), Chauve-souris : amie ou ennemie ? (2021 ), Climat : mon cerveau fait l'autruche (2021 ), Génération écrans, génération malade ? (2019), Bien nourrir son cerveau (2018 )...


    Tardigrades - Life on the extreme

    Nominee Science & Media Awards 24

    German Premier

    Documentary / Raphaël Hitier / France/ 2024 / 52 min / German