Claudia Reiser

 Claudia Reiser © MDR, Anorte Linsmayer

Claudia Reiser has been dealing with all aspects of climate change for years - and she sheds light on the economic, social, political and societal challenges associated with it. For MDR, for example, she travels to the world climate conferences and reports from there. She also helped set up MDRfragt and regularly presents the results of the opinion barometer in MDR broadcasts.

Claudia Reiser studied journalism in Leipzig and Stellenbosch. After her traineeship, she joined MDR in 2011, where she now works in particular for ARD Aktuell, MDR Aktuell and MDRfragt. Previously, she gained journalistic experience at the South African investigative TV magazine “Fokus”, Greenpeace Magazine, N24 and the German Service of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, among others.