Sat, 23rd Sep 2023

Psychoplankton | Credits: Superflex
Virtual Reality / Superflex / Denmark / 2022 / 5 min
Plankton are too small to see, but they can form large enough masses to be seen from space. They are crucial partners in the work of keeping both the oceans and the air healthy. How does it feel to be a plankton? To explore this question, SUPERFLEX designed a computer-generated plankton in a VR environment. Unsettling our perceptions of scale and otherness, Psychoplankton allows the viewer to mentally drift along with a life form that bears no resemblance to human beings, though we share a planet, an ecosystem, and a future.
Wed 25.10. / 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Thu 26.10. - Sun 29.10. / 11:00 - 8:00 pm