House Unmoored
Video Installation / Ben Andrews, Emma Roberts / Australien / 2023 / 18 min
This is a hyper-intimate, two-channel video work that explores Ben Joseph Andrews’s relationship to his house during the worst period of vestibular migraine: a house that becomes an elastic, shapeshifting and vertiginous entity.
The work features a number of personal diaries and recordings from this time, and are layered over footage taken from within the house. As it unfolds, the stability of this footage is displaced and distorted by forces that bend and warp the images — the intensity and frequency of these manipulations are driven by data taken from Ben’s migraine journal, transforming the migraine into a living, breathing source of unnatural motion.
Wed 25.10. / 5:00 - 8:00 pm
Thu 26.10. - Sun 29.10. / 11:00 - 8:00 pm